Monday, March 19, 2007

Being Positive!

If A=1,B=2,C=3,...... and Z=26, then

a) HARDWORK = 98.
b) ATTITUDE = 100.
c) POSITIVE = 115.
d) EFFORT = 70.
f) MONEY = 72.
g) FAME = 25.
h) HAPPINESS = 107.

Combining c and b,
POSITIVE ATTITUDE = 115+100 = 215


POSITIVE ATTITUDE scores higher than INTELLIGENCE(115),MONEY(72) and FAME(25).

Having a POSITIVE ATTITUDE makes a lot of difference in your life and helps every individual to be a winner.
All materialistic pleasures like MONEY,FAME score very less.

1 comment:

Shiva said...

That's a perfect interpretation of blending positive and attitude. May be makes me+ve too:)