I am back with a long pending tag from my side. I did not know about these tag protocols until Shiva shared the essence of it.
The tag requires me to share the 5th paragraph in the 123rd page of the book I am presently reading.
1) I was tagged by Shiva : To know more about Shiva,take a look into
2) The book that I am currently reading is "Happiness Now" by Andrew Matthews.
3) The book does not have a direct reference to 123rd page.Hence I am sharing the content of the last para in the 121st page(which is the last page).
Everything is Connected!!!
Have you noticed that whenever you exercise regularly,you feel like eating healthier food? Have you noticed that when you eat healthier food,you have more energy-so you feel like exercising more?
Everything in life is connected.Effort you put into one part of life affects all the other parts.When you are happy at home,you are happier at work.When you are happier at work,you are happier at home.
So what does all this mean?
1. That to improve your life you can start on ANY positive path.You might start with a savings plan,a goal list, a fitness program or a commitment to spend more time with your children.That positive path will lead to other positive results because everything is connected.
2. It doesn't matter WHERE you start to put more effort into your life.It matters THAT you start.
3. It works both ways!If you let one part of your life collapse,everything will begin to spiral downward.This keeps us paying attention!
In a nutshell :
Everything you do matters! Happiness is a daily decision.
Beautifully done tag Bharath and that was a good summary of the book. Not many books end with such summary. Thanks for taking time in doing the tag
Thanks a lot Shiva! I learnt a lot form you.
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