Saturday, November 28, 2009

2 States

Last week, I read ' 2 States' by Chetan Bhagat. I would say it's typical Chetan's expression & he didn't dissapoint. Guess, it's inspired from certain facets of his marriage life. In that way, hats off to Chetan to bring them into this book. I have read all his books(Five Point Someone, 3 Mistakes of My Life & 2 States) except One Night At Call Centre. But Five Point Someone is definitely my pick.

2 States is definitely a very good read. I was especially moved by the father & son relationship that was potrayed in the book. Though Krish & his father never had a good relationship, finally it was his father who played the major role to help him come out of his discomfort & marry Ananya. Especially in the final chapter, when his father expresses his love to Krish and his confession that " Though I am imperfect father, still your father". It was very good of Chetan , to bring out this aspect of father son relationship in this book. This is something, that needs to be nurtured properly by every father & son, to make it beautiful.

Yes, we definitely need to acknowledge the actual importance of Father's Day. It need more awareness & priority,since it plays a vital part in every individual's life.

Love you my Dad! Thanks for being there for me.
You are great and I am so small infront of your greatness!

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