Thursday, May 3, 2007

SCRUM - Is slowly catching up!

SCRUM development process is slowly catching up. It's an agile way of working that lays stress on people and interaction over processes and documents. An attitude change is the baseline for the success of SCRUM.

The word SCRUM is derived from rugby.A scrum is a team of eight individuals in Rugby. Everyone in the pack acts together with everyone else to move the ball down the field.Teams work as tight, integrated units with each team member playing a well defined role and the whole team focusing on a single goal. In development teams, each team member must understand his or her role and the tasks for each increment. The entire team must have a single focus. The priorities must be clear. As we now describe, the Scrum development process facilitates this team focus.


Abrachan Pudussery said...

Hi Bharath,

Today I reached your blog accidentally, and I am really glad to see the grooming of a great blog. I am really honoured to see links to and to Keep up the good work. Best wishes, Abrachan

Shiva said...

SCRUM looks interesting. Thanks for sharing